Publishing Secrets

Crack the Marketing Code #3: Nurture the Relationship

Episode Summary

In this 3-part series, we’ve been working on creating a real, concrete strategy for driving sales by communicating your book’s relevance and drawing your audience into your own digital stage. So what’s next? Just getting your audience to visit your website isn’t going to automatically make them buy your book. In this final installment of the Crack the Marketing Code series, Coach Tam lays out exactly how to take your next step and challenges you to get started building and nurturing your relationship with your audience.

Episode Notes

In this episode, you’ll also hear: 



My name is Tamara Jackson but my clients affectionately call me "Coach Tam." I am an author, speaker, transformation coach, and 11-year, 100 lb. weight loss success story. I am also the CEO of a mission-oriented gym and wellness center in the Charlotte, NC area called 265 Point Total Fitness.

Interestingly enough, much of the success that God has allowed me to enjoy is founded upon a book that I wrote in 2013, 265 Point. In the book, I share how I transformed from being a 265 lb. junk food addict to a 155 lb. fitness fanatic appearing on the demonstration floor of the Dr. Oz Television show. It's part biography, part self-help. I wanted to do my part to end the trend of obesity in America and help others lose weight and keep it off.

I would love to say that I answered the call to write immediately. I didn't. It took me YEARS to put pen to paper and publish my book.

Now, as an aspiring author coach my mission is to ensure that others don't repeat my mistake. This podcast, Publishing Secrets, is designed to further that mission. I pray that it blesses you!




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