Publishing Secrets

First 5 Step #5: Organize Before You Outline (Re-Air)

Episode Summary

You’ve made it to step #5! You’re almost ready to get started on an outline for your book. But don’t jump in and skip this crucial 5th step, because the last thing you want to do is spend a ton of time outlining and writing a book that doesn’t connect with your readers. Instead, you’ve got to build on the previous four steps, using what you’ve already learned to design a book that speaks directly to the people you’ve been called to impact. In this fifth episode of the First 5 series, Coach Tam lays out what you need to understand about your readers before you start outlining, and how to organize that information so you can use it effectively. Once you complete this step, you’ll be well on your way to writing a truly impactful book!

Episode Notes

In this episode, you’ll also hear:

Are You Ready to Outline?

So far in the First 5 series, we’ve discussed the importance of:

If you missed those previous episodes, be sure to check them out here!

Now, let’s get into step #5: organize before you outline. That’s right — you’re almost ready to begin your outline. But here’s the mistake many aspiring authors make: they jump into writing the outline based on what they think the book should contain. 

Remember, you’re writing for an audience. You can only accomplish your goal of impacting lives if people buy your book. And people will only buy your book if they believe it solves a problem for them. 

How Does the Reader Describe the Problem?

Last week in Step #4, you talked to some people to get insight on what they’re looking for. Now it’s time to make use of that insight! 

Give yourself some quiet time. Then take all the information you got in those interviews and organize it. What themes or patterns did you notice in the responses? For example:

That last question is really where things tend to fall apart if we’re not careful. You need to get clear on what makes your ideal reader feel all alone in the world at times, but too often, how an author describes the problem doesn’t match the reader’s view of the problem. You may identify the correct problem, but if you’re not describing it in a way that connects with your readers on a core level, you won’t have the impact you want. 

Because here’s the thing: You know things — important things! — that your reader doesn’t know. But they’ll only open their heart and mind to hear what you have to say if you can connect to what they believe to be true. 

Which Approach Is Right for Your Readers?

So with that in mind, it’s time to take action. Get into a quiet place, take all your notes from the conversations you’ve had, and organize them. Once you do, you’ll have a much better idea of how to approach your book and what kind of outline you need. 

You see, there are different kinds of outlines you could use, depending on the stance you want to take as an author:

Each of these approaches requires a different kind of outline. So if you don’t start by getting clear on what your ideal reader needs and which approach will be most helpful to them, you’ll spend way too much time outlining and writing a book that ultimately doesn’t connect with the people you’re trying to reach. 



My name is Tamara "Coach Tam" Jackson and I am a published author, Facebook© Certified Digital Marketer, host of the Top 100 Publishing Secrets podcast, and founder of The Christian Authors Network (C.A.N.) Facebook© community. I specialize in helping mission-driven authors, coaches, and entrepreneurs increase their exposure, impact, and income through strategic self-publishing and digital media appearances. Just say yes and we will work together to attract a tribe of loyal followers that 1) "get you", 2) love what you do, and 3) are happy to invest in your book, business, cause, or movement. Plus, we will accomplish all of this without fake, salesy, sleazy, or manipulative tactics. Yes you CAN write, publish, and profit in a way that honors God; join the community today at  



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